South Manitou Light, MI
The South Manitou Island Lighthouse served to mark the southern end of the Manitou Passage. The lighthouse also provided a
guide to vessels seeking refuge in South Manitou's crescent-shaped harbor when storms rose on the lake. The first lighthouse
was constructed in 1839, but was not built to last. A replacement lighthouse had to be built in 1858. The fourth-order Fresnel
lens, recently installed in the original lighthouse, was transferred to the new lantern room. Two decades later, it was realized
that a more substantial light would better serve the area. Accordingly, a 65-foot tower was designed for the station by O.M.
Poe. Rather than demolish the 1858 lighthouse, the dwelling was retained and attached to the tall tower by an extended covered
walkway. Work on the new tower began 1871, and a third-order Fresnel was put in place in 1872.
Item #4137